
Updated: Mar 27, 2023

You can ask poll or survey questions to your participants using Seshboard's Poll feature.

You can easily set up your Poll questions in advance of your sessions via the Room Management screen, or during a session within the room itself.

Setting up new Polls in advance of a session

To set up a Poll question in advance of your session, first navigate to the Room Management screen by clicking the "Manage" button for your room. From there, scroll down to the "Polls" section, and click "+ New Poll". Type in your question and the possible answers, and click "Create Poll". Your poll is now ready for you to use during your session:

Setting up new Polls during a session

To start a new Poll, first click the "Poll" button in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen to open the Polls menu. From the Poll menu, you can create new polls, select polls that you have previously set up or used, and access historical poll data.

Launching your Poll question

After you've selected your pre-created Poll question, or created a new Poll question during your session, you can pose the question to everyone in your room by clicking the "Start" button.

The Poll question, along with the possible answers, will appear on the right hand side of everyone's screens. Participants select their answer by clicking the button with the appropriate letter. If you would like to share the results of the poll to everyone in the room, click the toggle button currently labelled "Results are hidden"

After clicking this toggle button, the label will change to "Results are visible," and everyone in the room will see the results of the poll.

Stopping the Poll

To stop the Poll, click the "Stop" button on the Poll menu. If you have already closed this menu, you can open again it by clicking the "Poll" button in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

Viewing past Poll results

You can view the results of your previous Poll questions by clicking the "View Previous Polls" button on the Poll menu